Call of Duty DMZ Legion Faction Mission List Tiers 1 to 5.
Legion Faction
Legion is the first faction you have access to in. This faction consists of private military contractors that are looking to make their mark in the ongoing global conflict. Legion wants you to find out more intel on what lies in, and you’ll be given missions to accomplish just that. Once you join the Legion, you’re said to not exist on paper anymore, and your missions could be considered an act of war.
If you’re covert enough, however, you can stay submerged under the Legion banner. Although, there look to be some internal struggles that could arise as players continue to rank up in the Legion faction.
All Legion DMZ Missions
Tier 1
Al-Qatala Informant
Activate 1 UAV Tower
Reward: M4 (Contraband), +5000 XP
Locate and Scavenge
Find and loot 5 loot caches
Loot 5 items into your backpack
Reward: Pseudo-Private (Emblem), +5000 XP
Make Contact
Use your Tac-Map and ping a contract phone
Find a contract phone and download the intel
Reward: Double XP Token, +5000 XP
Storm the Stronghold
Acquire a Stronghold Keycard
Clear a Stronghold of enemy combatants
Extract the White Lotus intel found on Stronghold guards
Reward: Pendulum Blueprint, +5000 XP
Tier 2
Big Spender
Acquire $60.000 in cash
Spend $60.000 at a Shop
Reward: Cabern Boat Dock Shack Key, +7500 XP
Buried Barrels
Complete 1 Secure Radioactive Material contract
Loot 4 items from the radioactive caches
Reward: SP-R 208 (Contraband), +7500 XP
Destroy 6 vehicles
Reward: Pseudo-Private (Calling Card), +7500 XP
Capture a SAM Site
Wait for your captured SAM Site to shoot down an airplane
Loot a dropped supply drop
Reward: RPK (Contraband), +7500 XP
Key Elimination
Complete an Eliminate HVT contract
Loot a key found on an HVT or elsewhere
Use a key to unlock a locked space
Reward: Fanning Konig (Loading Screen), +7500 XP
Data Collection
Find and loot a Computer
Extract 4 Thumb Drives
Extract 5 Hard Drives
Reward: FTac Recon (Contraband), +7500 XP
Frame Job
Purchase an LTV with a turret at a Shop
Use the LTV turret to kill 10 enemies in Ahkdar Village
Destroy the LTV in Mawizeh Marsh
Reward: Anonymous (Operator Skin), +15.000 XP
Tier 3
Fort Scout
Travel to El Bagra Fortress
Loot 12 caches in El Bagra Fortress
Kill 30 enemies in El Bagra Fortress
Reward: .50 GS (Contraband), +10.000 XP
Dead Drop
Travel to Al-Mazrah City
Deliver 20 pieces of lethal equipment to the dumpster dead drop in the Sarwana Hotel alley, north of the Al-Mazrah City Post Office
Reward: Traveler's Luggage Key, +10.000 XP
Commanding Intel
Acquire a Secure Intel Contract
Complete a Secure Intel contract to reveal the location of an enemy Commander
Kill a Commander
Reward: Observers (Emblem), +10.000 XP
Good Fortune
Unlock Room 302 on the top floor of the Sawah Hotel
Loot and extract the golden .50 GS from Room 302 in the Sawah Hotel
Reward: TAQ-M (Contraband), +10.000 XP
Tactical Extraction
Extract 13 Gas Grenades
Extract 11 Gas Grenades
Extract 7 Snapshot Grenades
Reward: B.C. Toolbox Key, +10.000 XP
Recon Flyover
Acquire a Recon Drone
Tag 20 enemies with a Recon Drone at Hafid Port
Kill 30 enemies at Hafid Port
Reward: Signal 50 (Contraband), +10.000 XP
No Rushing
Kill 10 enemies at Al Malik Terminal with a SAKIN MG38 with a 150-Round Box Magazine and a Soshki bipod
Shoot down 3 reinforcement choppers at Al Malik Terminal with a SAKIN MG38 with a 150-Round Box Magazine and a Soshki bipod
Reward: Tycoon Blueprint, +20.000 XP
Tier 4
Deliver 20 Gas Cans to the dumpster dead drop at the train depot between Al Safwa Quarry and Rohan Oil
Extract 24 Molotovs or Thermite Grenades
Extract 23 Lighters, Comic Books, Bandages, or Documents
Reward: Double XP Token, +15.000 XP
Joy Ride
Kill 30 enemies while on the roof of a moving vehicle at Al Sharim Pass
Kill 30 enemies while leaning out of a moving vehicle at Sarrif Bay
Reward: TAQ-V (Contraband), +15.000 XP
Intelligence Control
Have 5 UAV towers active at the same time
Reward: Hydro Island Computer Key, +15.000 XP
Destroy 7 vehicles in close succession 4 times
Reward: Observers (Calling Card), +15.000 XP
Last Minute Evac
Acquire a Durable Gas Mask
Exif 3 times using the final exfil with 60K cash
Reward: Double Weapon XP Token, +15.000 XP
Deliver 26 Blow Torches to the dumpster dead drop at the Mawizeh Marsh gas station
Deliver 30 Jumper Cables to the dumpster dead drop at the Mawizeh Marsh gas station
Deliver 14 Car Batteries to the dumpster dead drop north of Al Malik International
Reward: RPK (Contraband), +15.000 XP
Poisoned Well
Acquire 6 Gas Grenades in one deployment
Throw 6 Gas Grenades into the open water wells in Zarqwa Hydroelectric in one deployment
Reward: Blood Soaked (Operator Skin), +30.000 XP
Tier 5
All Clear
Unlock 5 Strongholds in one deployment
Clear 5 Strongholds in one deployment
Reward: Lachmann-762 (Contraband), +20.000 XP
All Fired Up
Extract 3500 Pistol/SMG ammo
Extract 6500 AR/LMG ammo
Extract 1200 Shotgun ammo
Reward: Punishment (Calling Card), +20.000 XP
Battle Rivals
Kill 81 enemies with a FTac Recon with a Thermo-Optic X9 attached in Sa'id City
Kill 30 operators with a FTac Recon with a 419mm EXF Barrel attached
Reward: Special Ops Relay Station Key, +20.000 XP
Thirst For Knowledge
Complete 5 contracts each in less than 1:00 minute
Reward: Swamp Gas (Vehicle Skin), +20.000 XP
Good Prep
Deliver 90 Gas Masks to any dumpster dead drop
Extract 100 Radiation Blockers
Reward: Expedite 12 (Contraband), +20.000 XP
Contractual Obligations
Complete 8 unique contracts in a single deployment
Reward: Control Tower Key, +20.000 XP
Nail In The Coffin
Park a vehicle at all 4 gas stations in Zarqwa Hydroelectric
Plant a charge at each gas station on Zarqwa Hydroelectric with a parked vehicle
When all charges are set, climb to the second level of the radio tower in Zarqwa Hydroelectric and detonate
Reward: Harbinger Blueprint, +40.000 XP