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Black Ops 6 Zombies Season 02 Reloaded Patch Notes


Black Ops 6 Zombies Season 02 Reloaded Patch Notes

Treyarch has released the Black Ops 6 Zombies Season 02 Reloaded Patch Notes for the February 20 update. It includes bug fixes, stability improvements, map changes, boss fight nerfs and more. You can read all of the changes to Black Ops 6 Zombies below.

Black Ops 6 and Warzone Season 02 Reloaded will launch on February 20 for PlayStation, Xbox, and PC players. The download is roughly 51gb and introduces some much needed improvements to the game's Multiplayer, Zombies, and Warzone.

Black Ops 6 Zombies Season 02 Reloaded Patch Notes


The Tomb

  • Addressed an issue where Shock Mimics could push players out of bounds.

  • Addressed an issue where S.A.M. Trial reward chests would still have collision after disappearing.

  • Addressed an issue where being shocked while charging the Staff of Ice would cause it to be stuck charging.

  • Addressed an issue where a Doppelghast could spawn in the ground during a Constellation Trial.

  • Addressed an issue where players could get stuck when jumping down from the floating rock during the Wonder Weapon Upgrade Quest.

  • Addressed an issue where players joining a match during the third step of the Wonder Weapon Upgrade Quest would see a sealed portal.

  • Addressed an issue where zombies spawned during a Side Quest would immediately die if the player was using the Pheromone Augment.

  • Addressed an issue where some zombies spawning in the Neolithic Catacombs would flicker brightly.

  • Addressed an issue where the fog from a Special Round would not be present when choosing to continue after completing the Main Quest.

  • Addressed an issue where zombies would not be able to properly path to the player at a specific location in the Subterranean Temple.

  • Addressed an issue while using a Mutant Injection where player armor would take damage while standing in Aetheric Lantern flames.

  • Addressed an issue in Splitscreen where the lighting for Player 2 would change depending on Player 1’s location.

  • Leaving the Dark Aether Nexus while building the Staff of Ice will now reset progress and Staff of Ice damage when re-entering.

  • Addressed an issue where the Shock Mimic was playing the wrong animations when slowed.

  • Addressed an issue during the last step of the Wonder Weapon Quest where zombies spawning from portals would lack animations.

  • Added a death animation to the Tombs area.

  • Final Encounter

  • Reduced the duration of boss stun effects.

  • Slightly reduced spawn counts in parties of 3 to 4 players.

  • Citadelle des Morts

  • Addressed an issue where players could take out of bounds damage while using the Cave Slide.

  • Addressed an issue where players could take out of bounds damage on top of a car in the Town Square.

  • Addressed an offset spawn in the Oubliette Room.

  • Addressed an issue where the timer in the Sanctuary would not start during the Solais Sword Quest.

  • Addressed some death animation locations that would clip through objects.

  • Addressed an issue where an Operator voice would play before revealing the Paladin’s Brooch.

  • Directed Mode

  • Addressed an issue where the pickup prompt for swords would be blank after loading a save file.

  • Addressed an issue where the guide would be empty if the player failed or left the Sanctuary when obtaining Solais.

  • Addressed an issue where the “Place turn page fragment” prompt on the Codex would be present when the player does not have any pages.


Directed Mode

  • Added Directed Mode for The Tomb.

LTM Highlights / Adjustments

Cowabunga Cranked

  • Add some high-octane urgency to any of the four Zombies maps and your undead horde slaying in Cowabunga Cranked. Drop into Terminus, Liberty Falls, Citadelle des Morts, or The Tomb with your Loadout of choice and eliminate a zombie to trigger the Cranked timer. Fail to eliminate a zombie before the timer hits zero and ka-boom! You’re gone.

  • As rounds progress, the Cranked timer will continue to shrink, so keep pushing the fight to stay in the game! Thankfully, there are several Pizza power-ups that can drop in the match, including:

  • Turtle Power: Temporarily empowers the player with a health bonus and Pack-A-Punch 3 Legendary Melee Weapons

  • Pizza Box: Fills the Cranked Timer to max

  • Slice-O-Pie: Partial time added to the Cranked Timer

  • All players in this mode are given the Donny’s Time Stopper Field Upgrade; activate it to pause the Cranked timer for one full minute.

  • For those craving a real challenge, Main Quests will be active in Cowabunga Cranked, with a subtly different TMNT version of each map’s Main Quest completion Calling Card available as a memento for anyone radical enough to achieve this feat! Think you can finish all of them?


NOTE: Check out the Season 02 Reloaded Global section for additional weapon balancing changes that apply to Zombies!

  • Addressed an issue that caused some blueprints to lose their optic after being Pack-a-Punched.

  • Addressed an issue where Melee Weapons could not be inspected after being Pack-a-Punched.

  • Addressed an issue that could prevent weapons in Alt-Fire from being dropped.


Death Perception

  • Death Stare Augment

  • Increased health threshold to activate to 20% of special enemy max health.

  • Further Insight Augment

  • Further Insight will now function while using High Contrast mode.

Deadshot Daiquiri

  • Addressed an issue where aim would not snap to the head when standing in a Vulture Aid Fetid Upgr-Aid cloud.

Vulture Aid

  • Addressed an issue that prevented the Vulture Aid augment "Condor's Reach" from picking up loot as intended.

Field Upgrades

Dark Flare

  • Increased Dark Flare base damage from 40% to 55% of Base Zombie max health.

  • Increased Dark Flare Supernova tick damage from 25% to 55% of Base Zombie max health.

  • Increased Dark Flare Supernova explosion Damage from 150% to 300% of Base Zombie max health.


Mutant Injection

  • Addressed an issue that prevented players from using melee if they were awarded Melee Machiato while using a Mutant Injection.


Added the following weapons and Support items to the Mystery Box and loot drops.

  • PPSh-41

  • Cypher 091

  • Feng 82

  • TR2

  • War Machine

  • Hand Cannon



  • Addressed an issue where Vermin would not be affected by the Rampage Inducer.

  • Armored Zombies

  • Armored Zombies will now receive critical damage when Insta-Kill is active.


  • Addressed an issue where players would still be targeted and damaged by other zombies during an Amalgam Grab Attack.


  • Addressed an issue where the S.A.M. Trial reward chest could disappear without claiming the rewards.

  • Addressed an issue where the PhD Flopper S.A.M. Trial would not progress properly.

  • Addressed an issue where Weapon Scorestreaks awarded from S.A.M. Trials could have only 1 ammo.

  • Addressed an issue where hipfire S.A.M. Trials would not progress properly when using single fire weapons.


  • Addressed an issue that prevented the Prestige 10 Challenge “Random Elements” from tracking properly.

Adjusted the following Challenges:

Titan Felling

  • Special enemy kills will now count toward this Challenge.


  • Addressed an issue that could prevent players from editing a GobbleGum Pack.

  • Addressed an issue that prevented Eliminations with the Thrustodyne M23 from counting correctly.

  • Addressed an issue that prevented the Firing Range from being accessible while on the Comfirm Loadout screen.

  • Addressed an issue where weapon stats in the After Action Report would list starting loadout instead of finishing loadout.

  • The After Action Report will now display GobbleGums earned during the match.

  • Corrected some typos.


  • Addressed an issue where Aetheric Lantern flame effects could be stuck on the screen after using a Self Revive in the flames.

  • Addressed an issue where the effects on the Staff of Ice would not display properly when in Third-Person.


  • Addressed various stability issues.

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