| GNG News COD | Published: July 27, 2023 |

For as while now sources have been claiming that Call of Duty: Modern Warfare III will be revealed within Warzone's DMZ mode. The evidence is starting to mount to support this claim.
It is rumored that Players will team up with former ally Philip Graves and Shadow Company to capture and defend a network of Missile Silo's below Zaya Observatory in Al Mazrah.
Until now we assumed that Philip Graves was dead, having been killed by us the player at the end of Modern Warfare II campaign climax, but he is back and very much alive and unharmed.

The T1 Bunker entrance has been a source of intrigue since the game launched back in 2022. Those who played Verdansk will remember that these underground bunker doors ended up playing a vital role in events and hidden Easter Eggs.
This particular bunker was once covered in dirt and graffiti, it is now cleaned and prepped for something. This is likely the entrance to the Modern Warfare III Reveal Event that is expected on August 2.
We know for certain that Graves is returning and that Zaya Observatory will suffer some kind of trouble in the Season 05 Update as the artwork shows one of it's Observation towers partially destroyed and burning.
It would make sense for Call of Duty to choose DMZ as the location for players to complete this event. It is already set up for 'quests', has a strong Shadow Company storyline embedded into it and will bring fresh players to the mode.

We expect further details to be shared from Call of Duty either today or tomorrow with regards to the event.
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