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Daily Call of Duty and Warzone News and Guides



DMZ brings with it dozens of Mastery challenges. Here is a guide on what they are and how to complete them.

| 17 November 2022 |


DMZ is an extraction-based gamemode that has launched along side Call of Duty: Warzone 2.0. Now the devs seem pretty fed up of this comparison but, well, it is similar to Escape from Tarkov. You infil into a random location in Al Mazrah, find loot, complete missions, kill AI and players and hopefully extract with all the goods. If you die, you lose everything you had on you forever.

Our honest opinion is that as of right now it is a very thin gamemode. Although, it certainly feels like it has great potential and with players seemingly responding well to it we hope that it will evolve and grow over time. But that is a discussion for another time.

Today we are running through all of the Mastery Challenges that you can complete right now in DMZ. They are a little hidden so we thought we'd highlight them here for you. To find and track your own personal challenges you'll need to open the Calling Card tab in your profile, scroll right down until you come across the DMZ challenges.

Each Mastery challenge has 6 Calling Cards + 1 Mastery Calling Card that is usually animated.

DMZ Exfil Mastery

Survive and successfully extract from the DMZ.

  • Exfil from DMZ 5 Times

  • Exfil from DMZ 10 Times

  • Exfil from DMZ 25 Times

  • Exfil from DMZ 50 Times

  • Exfil from DMZ 100 Times

DMZ Cash Extraction Mastery

Survive and extract the DMZ carrying Cash. This one will unlock naturally as you play.

  • Exfil 100000 Cash from DMZ

  • Exfil 500000 Cash from DMZ

  • Exfil 1000000 Cash from DMZ

  • Exfil 15000000 Cash from DMZ

  • Exfil 20000000 Cash from DMZ

  • Exfil 25000000 Cash from DMZ

DMZ UAV Tower Mastery

Across the map you'll see a tower icon, using the map legend you will notice that these towers are UAV Towers. Once activated they will give you a UAV sweep of the area for a short period of time. Activate enough of these and you'll unlock the Mastery Challenges.

  • Activate 1 UAV Towers in DMZ

  • Activate 5 UAV Towers in DMZ

  • Activate 10 UAV Towers in DMZ

  • Activate 25 UAV Towers in DMZ

  • Activate 50 UAV Towers in DMZ

  • Activate 100 UAV Towers in DMZ

DMZ Contract Mastery

Within the DMZ there are dozens of Contracts scattered around. Similar to the ones found in Warzone. They usually entail hunting a HVT down or finding some form of data. Complete enough of these and you'll unlock the Mastery Challenges.

  • Complete 10 Contracts in DMZ

  • Complete 25 Contracts in DMZ

  • Complete 50 Contracts in DMZ

  • Complete 100 Contracts in DMZ

  • Complete 250 Contracts in DMZ

  • Complete 500 Contracts in DMZ

DMZ Boss Mastery

Strongholds are locked areas of the map that are heavily guarded. You'll need to find a key (from an enemy close to the Stronghold) enter, kill everyone inside and the Boss. Killing enough Bosses will unlock these challenges.

  • Defeat 1 Stronghold Bosses

  • Defeat 5 Stronghold Bosses

  • Defeat 10 Stronghold Bosses

  • Defeat 25 Stronghold Bosses

  • Defeat 50 Stronghold Bosses

  • Defeat 100 Stronghold Bosses

DMZ Agent Kill Mastery

The AI bots are also known as 'Agents' in DMZ. Kill enough of these Bots to unlock the Agent Kill Mastery challenges.

  • Kill 100 Agents in DMZ

  • Kill 250 Agents in DMZ

  • Kill 500 Agents in DMZ

  • Kill 1000 Agents in DMZ

  • Kill 2500 Agents in DMZ

  • Kill 5000 Agents in DMZ

DMZ Operator Kill Mastery

In the DMZ you'll come across other players. Kill them (they are the Operators) to unlock the Operator Kill Mastery Calling Cards.

  • Kill 10 Operators in DMZ

  • Kill 25 Operators in DMZ

  • Kill 50 Operators in DMZ

  • Kill 100 Operators in DMZ

  • Kill 250 Operators in DMZ

  • Kill 500 Operators in DMZ

DMZ Final Exfil Mastery

Survive and 'Exfil' using the final helicopter in the DMZ. Although there is no closing circle like in the Battle Royale. DMZ matches do expire. Be on the final helicopter out of the DMZ 'x' amount of times.

  • Exfil using the Final Helicopter 1 Times

  • Exfil using the Final Helicopter 5 Times

  • Exfil using the Final Helicopter 10 Times

  • Exfil using the Final Helicopter 25 Times

  • Exfil using the Final Helicopter 50 Times

  • Exfil using the Final Helicopter 100 Times

DMZ Valuables Extraction Mastery

Loot and extract with Valuable items. We're not sure how this one works or if it is broken. We assumed that items such as valuable quest items or laptops that are worth large amounts would count but it doesn't seem to be tracking for us. As soon as we find out we will update this description.

  • Extract 50 Valuables from the DMZ

  • Extract 100 Valuables from the DMZ

  • Extract 250 Valuables from the DMZ

  • Extract 500 Valuables from the DMZ

  • Extract 1000 Valuables from the DMZ

  • Extract 2000 Valuables from the DMZ

DMZ Stronghold Mastery

Clear Strongholds in DMZ to unlock this one. You can find Strongholds scattered across the map. They are usually heavily guarded but fairly easy to overcome. Stronghold Keys can be found by killing guards outside usually. Enemy players will drop them as well if they were carrying them at the time of their death.

  • Clear 5 Strongholds in the DMZ

  • Clear 10 Strongholds in the DMZ

  • Clear 25 Strongholds in the DMZ

  • Clear 50 Strongholds in the DMZ

  • Clear 100 Strongholds in the DMZ

  • Clear 250 Strongholds in the DMZ

DMZ Unlock Mastery

Occasionally you will come across 'Keys' they are found from looting and dead enemies. Each Key has a location that it unlocks. You'll know what this key is for by checking the description on the key. They are fairly common to find. We've seen 1-2 per match so far. Unlock the space it is for to level this Mastery Challenge.

  • Unlock 5 Locked Spaces in DMZ

  • Unlock 10 Locked Spaces in DMZ

  • Unlock 25 Locked Spaces in DMZ

  • Unlock 50 Locked Spaces in DMZ

  • Unlock 100 Locked Spaces in DMZ

  • Unlock 250 Locked Spaces in DMZ

DMZ armoured Agent Kill Mastery

This one is pretty self-explainatory. You'll remember that 'Agents' means AI Bots. Well, all you have to do is find and kill enemy bots that have armour on. You'll know you are shooting armour as your hit markers will be blue. There found right across Al Mazrah so this should unlock naturally for you anyway.

  • Kill 25 Armored Agents in the DMZ

  • Kill 50 Armored Agents in the DMZ

  • Kill 100 Armored Agents in the DMZ

  • Kill 250 Armored Agents in the DMZ

  • Kill 500 Armored Agents in the DMZ

  • Kill 750 Armored Agents in the DMZ

DMZ Loot Cache Mastery

Again, this one will occur naturally as you play. Loot caches in DMZ to receive the Loot Cache Mastery Calling Cards.

  • Loot 25 Caches in the DMZ

  • Loot 50 Caches in the DMZ

  • Loot 100 Caches in the DMZ

  • Loot 250 Caches in the DMZ

  • Loot 500 Caches in the DMZ

  • Loot 1000 Caches in the DMZ

And thats it so far. Those are the DMZ Mastery Challenges. There is plenty to be getting on with but we are certain that as the mode evoles more will be added. We're enjoying the mode so far and are excited to see what it turns into as time goes on. Hopefully, the more people play it the more resources will be dedicated to it.

As always if you have any questions feel free to hit us up on our social media pages like Twitter @GNGNewsCOD or @GNGNewsHQ.



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