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How to Unlock 4 FREE Weapon Camos in Warzone Season 5


How to Unlock 4 FREE Weapon Camos in Warzone Season 5

This is a guide on how to unlock 4 free weapon camos in Warzone Season 5 right now. There are four sets of challenges for players to complete to unlock four different weapon camos that can be used on any weapon in the game.

These four sets of missions will challenge you in different areas of Warzone from Combat Expertise, Cooperation, Mobility, and REDACTED.

Unlock 4 FREE Weapon Camos in Warzone Season 5

how to find the warzone season 5 rewards tab

You can access the Warzone Rewards tab from the Warzone menu. On PC you can press R to open the tab or click on it. Controller uses will have a different command but it will clearly state the button on Xbox or PlayStation.

Once open you will see three different tabs, one for the Champion's Quest, Season 4, and Season 5. Here you can track your progress through the Warzone or Nuke Quest Challenges.

warzone season 5 rewards tab

Seasonal Warzone Rewards are broken down into four sections. You must complete the first challenge to unlock the second challenge and so on. Once you have unlocked all four challenges in a set, you will receive a weapon camo, this will vary depending on which set you complete.

  • Combat Expertise

  • Cooperation

  • Mobility


Combat Expertise (Iron Ore Camo)



Buy 15 Loadout Weapons in Buy Stations

Prone Patience Large Decal

Get 10 Operators Headshot Kills

Headhunter Calling Card

Wipe Out 5 Squads

Tracking Target Emblem

Reach the Top 3 in Warzone 3 Times

Iron Ore Camo

Combat Expertise (Iron Ore Camo)
Combat Expertise (Iron Ore Camo)

Cooperation (Rose Quartz Camo)



Assist a Squadmate in an Elimination 15 times

Top of the Pyramid Large Decal

Perform 5 Squad Assembles

Assist Your Team Emblem

Kill 10 Operators pinged by a Squadmate

Loot Haul Calling Card

Acquire $20,000 from Squadmates and spend it all at Buy Stations in a single match

Rose Quartz Camo

Cooperation (Rose Quartz Camo)
Cooperation (Rose Quartz Camo)

Mobility (All Speed Camo)



Travel 500m using Tactical Sprint

Bullet Train Large Decal

Use 15 Redeploy Drone Beacons (R.D.B.)

Can I Get a Ride? Calling Card

Visit 5 unique POIs in a single match

Cardio Emblem

Interrogate 30 Enemy Players in Battle Royale or Plunder

All Speed Camo

Mobility (All Speed Camo)
Mobility (All Speed Camo)

REDACTED (Decipher Camo)



Get 15 Operator Kills with a Suppressor Muzzle

Skeleton USB Large Decal

Kill 10 Downed Operators with a Throwing Knife

Private Eye Emblem

Activate 3 UAVs at the same time

Feeling Dimensional Calling Card

Complete Contracts after the 3rd circle, 5 times

Decipher Camo

REDACTED (Decipher Camo)
REDACTED (Decipher Camo)

Complete All 16 Challenge Rewards

If you complete all 4 sets (16 total) of challenges for Warzone Season 5, you will also unlock the 'Sports Icon' Bruen MK9 Weapon Blueprint.

'Sports Icon' Bruen MK9 Weapon Blueprint
'Sports Icon' Bruen MK9 Weapon Blueprint

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