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Ranked Play is coming to Modern Warfare 2 with Season 02 on Feb 15th. Here is everything you need to know.

| 14 February 2023 |


Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II is getting Ranked Play in Season 02 on 15 February. Fans have been eagerly awaiting the launch of Ranked Play since the game launched back in November of 2022. It is finally here and it offers some serious challenges and rewards this year.

What is Ranked Play? Ranked is a competitive mode that pits player against player in a competitive setting that follows the same rules as the Call of Duty League. Players rank up or rank down depending how successful they are from match to match.

Modern Warfare II Ranked Play Divisions

There is a total of 8 Skill Divisions ranging from Bronze to Top 250. Depending on how players do, they will be placed in one of these divisions. The more games you win the higher you progress.

There are plenty of rewards and incentives along the way including exclusive rewards for those who finish out in the Gold Division or higher. This includes exclusive Operator skins, emblems and more.

If you win a game you gain SR, if you lose a game you lose SR.

  • Bronze0-899 SR – (Bronze)

  • Silver900-2,099 SR – (Silver)

  • Gold2,100-3,599 SR – (Gold)

  • Platinum3,600-5,399 SR – (Green)

  • Diamond5,400-7,499 SR – (Blue)

  • Crimson7,500-9,999 SR – (Red)

  • Iridescent10,000 SR minimum – (Purple)

  • Top 25010,000+ SR – (Gold skull)

At the beginning of the first Ranked Play season, all players will start in Bronze Division.

Modern Warfare II Ranked Play Ranks

Ranks are a form of bragging rights to show off the grind to friends and other players. Ranks are permanent and will not reset every season. There are a total of 50 Ranks with every player starting off at Rank 1.

Players can move up the Ranks by earning Stars. Each win in Ranked Play will award the players with a Star. Build the Stars up to rank up. Every 5 Ranks a Rank icon is earned. As players rank up they unlock rewards. Two skins are award at level 5 and 50.


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