| GNG News COD | Published: April 4, 2024 |

Once you have completed the Act IV 'Countermeasures' Story Mission you can complete an Easter Egg that allows you to access the Dark Aether and complete special 'Bunny' Contracts that give you a high chance of earning top tier loot.
If you haven't unlocked the Dark Aether yet you can check How to Enter the 2nd Dark Aether Rift in Modern Warfare Zombies Guide here.
Possible Rewards for entering the Sa'id City Dark Aether:
Elder sigils
Mags of Holding
Blood Burner Key
V-R11 Schematic
Golden Armor Plate
Dog Bone
Sa'id City Dark Aether - Bunny Contracts Overview

Eliminate the Bounty - Warehouse behind spawn

Outlast Contract - Rooftop of Apartment Buildings

Aether Extractors - Sa'id Mall Rooftop

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