| GNG News COD | Published: April 7, 2024 |

MWZ Crafting Cooldown Timer Reduction Costs. Call of Duty has introducing a Cooldown Reduction bonus for ALL Schematics in MWZ in exchange for extracted Essence. This system allows players to drastically reduce the time between claiming Schematics like the powerful Wonder Weapons and Classified items like Mags of Holding or Golden Armor.
Essence is an in-game currency found in Modern Warfare Zombies' loot caches or earned by completing contracts, killing zombies, or selling valuable items at buy stations, to name a few methods.
We know that exfiling with 100 Essence currently reduces cooldown timers by 25 seconds. Using this knowledge we can figure out how much extracted Essence will be required to reduce cooldown timers on the longer-wait gear.
MWZ Crafting Cooldown Timer Reduction Costs (Essence Extraction)
Essence | Time Reduction |
100 | 0:00:25 |
500 | 0:02:05 |
1000 | 0:04:10 |
5000 | 0:20:50 |
10000 | 0:41:40 |
15000 | 1:02:30 |
20000 | 1:23:20 |
25000 | 1:44:10 |
50000 | 3:28:20 |
75000 | 5:12:30 |
100000 | 6:56:40 |
As you can see, extracting 100,000 in a single match will reduce ALL Schematic Cooldown Timers by nearly 7 hours. A decent dent in the higher timed Craftables. So, lets take a look at each category and how much each item will require extracted in Essence.
Schematic | Cooldown Timer | Required Essence |
Uncommon Tool | 02:00:00 | 28800 |
Ammo Mods | 03:00:00 | 43200 |
Perks | 03:00:00 | 43200 |
Rare Aether Tool | 05:00:00 | 72000 |
Raw Aetherium Crystal | 08:00:00 | 115200 |
Epic Aether Tool | 10:00:00 | 144000 |
Refined Aetherium Crystal | 16:00:00 | 230400 |
Legendary Aether Tool | 24:00:00 | 345600 |
Wonder Weapons | 48:00:00 | 691200 |
Classified | 48:00:00 | 691200 |
Flawless Aetherium Crystal | 72:00:00 | 1036800 |
To unlock the Flawless Aetherium Crystal you are going to need to earn over 1 million Essence, which is roughly 200 Contracts in the High Threat Zone.
It should be mentioned as well that this article was written before the introduction of the Cooldown Reduction system to Modern Warfare Zombies. It could be based on different amounts so this is a rough guide based on the information we currently have.
Once the system has been added to the game we will be posting another article detailing how it works and the most effective means of using it.
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Good article but no matter how much essence I exfil with. and it even says 3-4 hours cooldown on schematics it never works for me... the cooldown timer is normal and the exfil reward cooldown time is never applied to any of the schematic cooldowns