| GNG Gaming News | Published: January 9, 2024 |

Surviving in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Zombies can require skill, patience, and luck but with these Top 3 META Loadouts for the undead mode, you can worry about making it to the exfil far less.

WSP Swarm SMG Loadout Build
Muzzle: S-37C DL Breacher Device S
Laser: Hipshot L20
Rear Grip: Marauder Grip
Magazine: 100 Round Drum
Conversion Kit: WSP Akimbo Brace Stock
This build for the WSP Swarm is great at dealing with large crowds of zombies as it has an insanely high fire-rate and the magazine size to match. The Conversion Kit transforms a single gun into 2 (Akimbo).

MCW Assault Rifle Loadout Build
Muzzle: Sakin Tread-40
Stock: A90 Venom
Underbarrel: XRK Edge BW-4 Handstop
Magazine: 60 Round Drum
Rear Grip: RB Claw-PSL Grip
Assault Rifles are a staple in Zombies games. They offer decent damage output, recoil control, and good magazine sizes. The MCW is by far the best AR in Zombies during Season 1. Once Pack-a-Punched, the weapon becomes even more powerful and the Ammo is doubled.

DG-56 Assault Rifle Loadout Build
Muzzle: FTAC Castle Comp
Barrel: Culpa OGS Light Barrel
Optic: MK. 3 Reflector
Underbarrel: Bruen Heavy Support Grip
Magazine: 60 Round Drum
Yes, another Assault Rifle in the Top 3 Zombies Meta list. They're just that good at the mode we guess. The DG-56 is pretty versatile in the mode and offers great levels of upgrade as the game progresses.
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