We talk plenty about the best Weapons to use in Warzone but rarely discuss the absolute meta perks, equipment, and wildcards for the Battle Royale. So, today we are going to go over all of the best gear you can take with you for any mode or map.
We have gone over every single piece of perk, lethal, tactical, and wildcard that we highly recommend for every single loadout in this article and briefly explained why we've picked them and how they will help you during matches.
See our Warzone Weapon Meta recommendations here: WARZONE LOADOUTS | Great News Gamer
Warzone Meta Perks, Equipment, and Wildcards

Warzone Meta Perks
Perk 1 - Survivor
Perk 2 - Tracker
Perk 3 - Ghost
Survivor will regenerate your health more quickly and your allies will be able to revive you faster when you are down. Tracker will allow you to see enemy player footsteps and it'll briefly outline any enemy you hit. In addition to this, enemies that are downed will be pinged for your team mates. Ghost makes you undetectable by enemy Radar pings while moving. It will also stop you being detected by certain devices.
Warzone Meta Melee
Honestly, the melee slot can be filled with almost any of the Melee weapons you want. They all do roughly the same damage, with some variations of range, but any option is okay here. We've chosen the Knife as it's a classic choice.
Warzone Meta Equipment
Lethal - Semtex
Tactical - Smoke Grenade
Smoke Grenades are fantastic for cover, allowing you to revive downed squad-mates, escape a fight, or reposition yourself.
Semtex have a powerful radius but are also sticky. A well-aimed throw will stick the Semtex to enemy players, making them unable to escape it's blast. Alternatively, some players favour the throwing knife or combat axe to finish players off without using ammo from their mags.
Warzone Meta Wildcard
Overkill is by far the best, and honestly only, option for Warzone as it allows you to carry two primary weapons. With the scale of Warzone maps, you'll find yourself entering short and long range engagements during matches, so having weapons for both styles of fights is important.
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