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When Does The Boys: Supe Siege Event Begin in Modern Warfare III and Warzone?


| GNG Gaming News | Published: January 29, 2024 |

The Boys collaboration with Call of Duty continues for a third week in a row with a third event in both Modern Warfare III and Warzone. The event marks the introduction of Firecracker, the 5th and final Operator during The Boys collab.

The next The Boys event will take place on Wednesday, January 31 at 9 am PT, 1 pm ET, and 5 pm UK.

This is a challenge based event, meaning players will need to complete tasks to unlock all of the rewards rather than the current The Boys: Vought Week where players must earn x amount of XP.

Players will be able to purchase Firecracker, a new Supe coming to The Boys TV show with Season 4 later this year. Owners of this skin will also receive 2500 XP bonus for each completed match when the skin is equipped.

We will be posting a guide once The Boys: Supe Siege challenges are available so be sure to stay tuned and stay up-to-date with the latest Call of Duty news, guides and more.


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