The WWE SummerSlam Event Challenges have leaked a head of its release on July 31 in Modern Warfare 3 and Warzone Season 5. Players must complete 7 different challenges to finish the event. Each challenge comes with its own reward.
These challenges can be completed in Modern Warfare 3 Multiplayer, Modern Warfare Zombies, Warzone, or a combination of all three.
WWE SummerSlam Event Challenges in Modern Warfare 3 and Warzone Season 5
"In the Spotlight" Calling Card
MW3 - Get 10 Point Blank Operator Kills with a Shotgun
MWZ - Get 200 Point Blank Kills with a Shotgun
WZ - In Warzone, Interrogate 3 Operators
"Enter the Ring" Emblem
MW3 - Get 50 Operator Kills with Gunslinger Vest Perk Equipped and Akimbo Equipped on a Pistol
MWZ - Get 200 Akimbo Kills with a Handgun
WZ - In Warzone, Get 3 Operator Kills with any Killstreak
"WWE" Large Decal
MW3 - Get 20 Operator Kills with the Riot Shield or Sledgehammer
MWZ - Get 250 Kills with a Melee Weapon
WZ - In Warzone, Get 2 Operator Kills while Driving or Riding in a Vehicle
Double Battle Pass XP Token
MW3 - Get 2 Operator 1 Shot 1 Kills
MWZ - Get 20 1 Shot 1 Kills
WZ - In Warzone, Get 2 Operator Kills with a Finishing Move
"Summer Slam" Weapon Sticker
MW3 - Perform 5 Executions
MWZ - Get 5 Special Zombie Kills with Melee Weapons
WZ - In Warzone, Get 3 Operator Kills with Explosives
"Undisputed Champion" Charm
MW3 - Get 25 Hipfire Operator Kills with an LMG
MWZ - Get 400 Hipfire Kills with an LMG
WZ - In Warzone, Place in the Top 10 5 Times
Battle Pass Tier Skip
MW3 - Get 20 Operator Kills with a Frag Grenade or Sticky Grenade with the Modular Assault Rig Perk Equipped
MWZ - Get 400 Explosive Damage Kills
WZ - In Warzone, Get 5 Operator Melee Kills
You can get a sneak peek at the Challenges and Rewards early in @Tridzo's Channel.
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